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The form must be filled in by the Rotarian Member who assumes the position of applicant vis-à-vis  the Rotary Club Roma Castelli Romani and Enzian Travel Agency.

When filling in the form, all fields marked with an asterisks must be filled in and, in particular, the CRO (which is a code of 11 letters and symbols provided by the bank) identifying the bank transfer for the expenses

Before completing the form please make sure you have all data and information required: insufficient or inconsistent data will not be accepted and the registration may not take place.

If the form is completed correctly, by pressing “SUBMIT”  you will have confirmation that the provided information are correct: any incorrect or missing fields will be highlighted in red and must be corrected or completed; it will be possible, then, to complete the registration by pressing “SUBMIT”.

Please advise whether you will use the suggested bus service (from Metro – line A, suggested stop) or your own vehicle, in which case you need to register upon arrival in Castel Gandolfo (entrance to the square) to collect the relevant documents.

The number shown in the “Kit and Voucher” field must tally with the number of persons already registered on site “” for whom the Kit and Voucher are required for admission to St. Peter’s Square.

The “Adults Total” and the “Kit and Voucher” fields must show a number: if the figure is null, enter “0” (zero, not “o”!)

A message will confirm the operation has been properly completed.

A check of the Bank received the accreditation will be sent by the Rotary Club Roma Castelli Romani to mail Rotarian, indicated on the form, the confirmation of registration.

Remember to bring your registration (or a copy of it) when you check in.

All details received will also be sent to Enzian Travel Agency which will be pleased to answer your questions.



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Sito del Rotary Club Roma Castelli Romani